How to install private package using Github Actions

Joo Hee Paige Kim
1 min readNov 13, 2023


After deploying a package using GitHub Packages within the organization, I would like to install the package from another private repository within the same organization.

However, I encounter a 401 error in GitHub Actions when attempting to install the package. The error message is as follows:

error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"401 Unauthorized\"".

To address this issue and provide the necessary authorization, it is essential to add the .npmrc and .yarnrc files before the installation process.

First, you must create a token that grants read access to the package and add this token under the organization.

For example, you can name the token as GH_PACKAGE_PUBLISH_TOKEN.

- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18.12.0
- name: Create NPMRC
run: |
echo "//${{ secrets.GH_PACKAGE_PUBLISH_TOKEN }}" >> ~/.npmrc
echo "[ORGANIZATION_NAME]:registry=" >> ~/.npmrc
echo 'registry ""' >> ~/.yarnrc
- name: yarn install
run: |
cd frontend && yarn install --frozen-lockfile


